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耳機架構輕巧,配以高品質釹磁體驅動單元,我們頗受歡迎的Sound Blaster JAM V2可擕式藍牙® 頭戴耳機回來了!Sound Blaster JAM V2配備藍牙5.0,高級音訊編解碼,aptX™ HD 和 aptX™ Low Latency,為用戶提供優質無線收聽體驗。通過多點連接功能在兩個不同的藍牙源裝置之間無縫切換,體驗細節豐富、如身臨其境般的音訊,而不錯過任何節拍。
全新的雙麥克風設計和降噪技術改善通話過程中的人聲清晰度,耳機電池續航長達22小時。無論您是在家中進行線上會議,還是隨時播放您喜愛的歌單,Sound Blaster JAM V2都能成為您體貼的無線音訊伴侶。
無需為了便利而犧牲音訊品質。Sound Blaster JAM V2具有適用於各種用途的高級音訊轉碼器1!
使用aptX HD,聆聽音樂時可以享受比CD更好的音訊品質。通過Sound Blaster JAM V2以無線方式聆聽所有細膩的細節——清澈的音質,下潛度也更好。
耳機還帶有aptX Low Latency轉碼器,它旨在智慧地將藍牙音訊滯後減少到幾乎無法識別的程度,而不用犧牲音訊品質。現在就使用aptX Low Latency觀看電影或暢玩遊戲,享受同步的音訊和視覺效果吧!
1 請注意,您的藍牙源裝置需要支援相同的轉碼器才能使用。
除了添加高級音訊轉碼器之外,我們還升級了Sound Blaster JAM V2的藍牙至藍牙 5.0,以實現不間斷的無線音訊流傳輸。
您可以使用Sound Blaster JAM V2在筆記型電腦上聽音樂並接聽電話,而無需斷開和重新連接裝置!通過多點連接功能,您可以同時將最多兩個藍牙裝置連接到耳機,並在它們之間無縫切換。只需在第一台裝置上停止音訊播放,然後在第二台裝置上開始播放即可。
想觀看一部引人入勝的電影,真正感受一下裡面的所有震撼嗎?點擊低音增益 按鈕,在Sound Blaster JAM V2中即刻提升低音!輕按一下按鈕,盡情感受爆炸聲的衝擊感和地面的隆隆聲,在電影或遊戲中享受身臨其境的體驗。
根據您的個人喜好定制音樂時,音質聽起來合心意。無論您是低音還是高音愛好者,全新的Creative App都可以讓您以有線方式隨心更改EQ設置。
在多合一Creative App中訪問Sound Blaster的圖形等化器定制,SmartComms Kit以及其他播放和麥克風設置!2
下載Creative App2 請留意,Creative App功能僅在Windows PC上, 與此產品在有線模式下可用。
總是出去和朋友玩?不用擔心,Sound Blaster JAM V2可以使用長達22 小時,電池續航持續一整天3。 當電量用完時,您可以通過USB-C電纜切換到有線收聽,或者使用同一根USB-C電纜充電10分鐘,耳機即可繼續續航4個小時!
3 實際電池壽命會因使用,設置和環境條件而異。
Comfortable for on-ear headphones, the Jam V2s are lightweight and have nicely balanced sound with good detail and bass that's ample but not overpowering. Call quality was good in my tests with callers saying they could hear me well even on the noisy streets of New York. No carry pouch is included, but you do get an extra set of foam ear pads, which is good, because they will wear out over time.
Best under $50
At $59.95 inc postage, the Creative SoundBlaster Jam V2 offers incredible performance and value. It is a pleasure to listen to them, and the built-in USB DAC (listen while you charge) is almost unheard of at this end of the market. Creative, you have done it again! On-ear means no sound isolation, but the foam pads (spare set provided too) are comfortable and cut down external noises. Use them anywhere you don’t need noise cancellation.
The Creative Soundblaster Jam V2 passed my wallet test. After reviewing it I can say I would have bought this for myself, and will buy it as a gift.
lightweight, comfortable, good value buy.
A great pair of headphones! Very easy to connect and sound very good. I cannot say just how happy I am with the product and service.
Love these little phones. They can be both connected via USB cable, or Bluetooth, and sound even better than I thought they might. (I wish the hinged/folded, but oh well. I doubt I'll hear anything better for anywhere near this price, portability or sound.) Thanks again!