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在重要的網路會議上給人留下深刻的印象,並通過全高清視頻和改善的通話品質,讓您與親人的聯繫更加緊密!Creative Live! Cam Sync 1080p V2比之前的機型小20%,並通過改進的內置麥克風進行了進一步增強,以提供更好的拾音效果,使聲音聽起來更加自然,並配備了我們全新的音訊創新技術-SmartComms Kit,這是一套智慧套件,旨在簡化線上通話方式的通信功能 - 從而使您可以更輕鬆地進行更智慧的通信。
準備好進行視頻通話,線上課程或線上面試(甚至是至關重要的面試)!Creative Live! Cam Sync 1080p V2符合UVC要求,可與大多數流行的視訊會議應用程式配合使用,只需將其插入即可發揮出自己的最大優勢!
我們的SmartComms Kit套件旨在為了解決Windows 10用戶的WFH(在家辦公)問題而開發—通過一套智慧通信功能簡化我們線上通信的方式。
Creative Live! Cam Sync 1080p V2兼容UVC,這意味著此網絡攝像頭無需額外安裝驅動程序,並且與在MacOS和Windows平台上運行的所有筆記本電腦和計算機兼容。
只需將其插入計算機上可用的USB-A端口,即可立即使用!它還可以與大多數流行的視頻會議應用程序配合使用,例如Zoom,Skype,Microsoft Teams,Cisco WebEx,Google Meet,Facebook Messenger等,因此您可以快速設置網絡攝像頭,即使在會議開始前的最後一刻也可以準備好。
Sound Blaster PLAY!4是您在工作通話中的必備工具! 它能簡化操作,解決您視頻通話中的一些問題。它包含了我們新推出的SmartComms kit軟件——智能通信套件,能實現自動靜音和雙向噪聲消除功能,它們將重新定義您的視頻通話體驗。
我們的SmartComms kit 軟件旨在通過一組智能通信功能解決Windows用戶的一個常見問題,從而簡化了我們在線交流的方式。 當您專注於重要的事務時,為何要頻繁觸按靜音按鈕或被不必要的背景噪音分散注意力呢?另外,它可與任何帶麥克風的耳機或耳麥配合使用。
Remember that this is a DAC and an ADC – that means it can process sound both ways. Creative has taken the most common issues for video conference sound and made it extremely easy to find a cure. At the price, this is a great DAC, and a SmartComms app is a huge asset for working from home, online schooling, entertainment and more. If you don’t have Windows, it is still an excellent DAC that will improve how you sound.
The Play! 4 is extremely easy to use, you basically just plug it in and you are good to go. Being that it is so small you can easily fit it in your pocket or laptop bag.
Creative always delights me with new products that are multi-functional yet affordable. The Sound Blaster PLAY! 4 is an USB DAC supporting hi-res 24-bit 192kHz audio playback, improves mic performance with Smart Volume, SmartComms Kit, enhances audio experience with Acoustic Engine. For less than S$50, it is a useful addition to your tech arsenal for music listening, gaming, and communications.
4/5 Stars
Good little soundcard. Excellent clarity, high resolution dac and clear sound form my microphone.
Brings the sound alive in both my headphones and also my 3.5mm 2.1 PC sound system, using MP3, FLAX or complex movies sound tracks. Can't wait to try it in my mobile. I wonder if Creative will make a 3.5mm FM broadcaster?
I use it all the time, it is tiny but powerful bass and the movies and music come alive with it. Mic mute is so handy. Bought two of them now.