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SXFI AMP 提供了個性化耳機音響的兩個先進領域技術。它那小於一根手指頭的小巧放大器,內置了全新,叫人驚歎,獲獎無數的Super X-Fi全息耳機音響技術;同時,它也是一個高端高品質的耳機放大器,能夠匹配推動高端專業級耳機。
SXFI AMP通過USB-C接口連接到外部的器材,也可以通過合適的轉換器連接到其他類型的接口,如USB-C 至 A轉換器 。通過USB 接口銜接到PC或Mac,SXFI AMP的Super X-Fi全息音響技術,讓您享受來自電影或遊戲的5.1或7.1聲道電影院音響,宛如身臨其境,美妙如真!
SXFI AMP內置的Super X-FiUltraDSP芯片根據您的個性化輪廓資料 (Super X-Fi profile) 來處理數字音頻,然後通過3.5 mm耳機接口,把這處理過,個性化的數字音頻播放到耳機。
SXFI AMP採用一顆高端高解析度數字模擬轉換器芯片128 dB AKM 32-bit DAC來作數音頻解碼器,它提供了高清晰度高保真音響,有著極低的噪音與極低的失真度:可達120 dB 信噪比 (SNR) 及0.0003 % 失真度 (THD),遠遠超越了市場上的一些高價位耳機放大器。
SXFI AMP強大的高端耳機放大器的阻抗可達600 ohm,能夠推動任何款式的模擬耳機,包括高保真的專業級耳機。
在選擇耳機時,請用 ”Super X-Fi Certified” ( Super X-Fi認證過)的耳機來匹配SXFI AMP,以便達到更好的Super X-Fi全息音響體驗。
SXFI AMP採用美麗大方又精巧耐用的鋁製材單一外殼,令人驚艷!
The technology is impossible to miss. It’s not subtle like the jump from 1080p to 4K. It makes audio sound more natural and more like it’s in the world with you.
It’s like sitting in a room with a high quality surround sound system: watching movies on the train will never be the same. I got highly accurate left/right and front/back definition of sound sources in a coherent and believable fashion. From this view, SXFI is a hit.
Best of CES 2019
Super X-Fi is stunning. The technology is impossible to miss. It’s not subtle like the jump from 1080p to 4K. It makes audio sound more natural and more like it’s in the world with you.
powerful package on an unbeatable price
It's an amazing headphone DAC!! I love the tailoring the sound done through the app with your physical ear characteristics along with being able to pick your headphones from a long list of headphones to help with the contouring the sound exactly to the headphones you are wearing! Great everything!! Great work Creative!
Love this amp.
*對於沒有USB Type-C端口的設備(例如較舊的PC / Mac),需要USB-A 至 USB-C 轉換器